Book Review: Tesser: A Dragon Among Us

Posted March 3, 2016 by lomeraniel in Fantasy, Review, Uncategorized / 0 Comments


I was offered a free copy of this book in audio format from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Tesser, the dragon of life, wakes up buried in Boston after spending  twenty thousand years asleep. He will have to get used to how the world has changed and find out why magic has lost power during the last ten years. He will meet Ab and Mr. Doyle, two magicians also wondering what has happened to the magic in the world. Together they will discover that the cause is more related than they wish to Tesser.

I was afraid before starting this book, since I have issues with fantasy when the writer does not make the story believable; but at the same time I was excited to read a story about dragons because they are creatures that have always amazed me. This story was very well built and has me mesmerized from beginning to end.

The premises of this book reminded me a lot of the movie Flight of Dragons, where the magic is being substituted by science. Although this book is able to capture the wonder like the old movie, the reasons behind it are quite different, and we will soon discover it.

The chapters start with one of the character’s name, allowing to know who is talking and making the story easy to follow. We do not get a deep insight of the characters, but Chris Philbrook makes a good job of bringing them to life.

The writing of Chris Pilbrook, combined with James Foster’s voice, do transmit the majesty and the powerful nature of dragons.

I loved Jame’s Foster’s narration. He was able to transmit Tesser’s powerful voice, but also change and become Matty, Ab or Mr. Doyle. His ample registry always gave a good idea of who was talking and his voice helped to hold your attention to the story.

Not sure if it was my fault, but I had some issues with the action scenes, getting a bit lost and not sure what was happening. I wonder if I had the same if I had read the book.

I am looking forward to future books about Tesser and the other dragons, and I hope Chris Philbrook does not take too long in sharing them with us.

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