Book Review: Silicon Man

Posted April 12, 2016 by lomeraniel in Audiobooks, Review, Science-Fiction, Uncategorized / 0 Comments


I was offered a copy of this book in audio format in exchange for an honest review.

A powerful virus has killed a great part of the world population and left sterile many of the survivors. This is the time for AI, since androids are needed to perform daily operations and jobs. Things seem to run smoothly but then some rogue androids try to convince the world that they should have basic rights and not to be treated like slaves. Some get to escape thanks to an underground network, and Commander Cole Marsalis, who hates rogue androids with all his guts, is the one that AI-TAC puts in charge to end this for good. In order to do that, the only way is undercover, and to be able to fool an android, the only way is becoming one. Buthe does not know that the AI-TAC‘s CEO has an agenda.

This book lands, for me, in between Blade Runner and Man Plus, by Frederik Pohl. On the one hand, we learn to see from the eyes of the androids and start to understand them, and on the other hand, we experience the transformation of the main character into something different than human, something that will change his perception and life forever.

At first I thought the story was going to be centered around this transformation, but there is a twist that changes things and gives more depth to the story. This was done in a clever way, and it makes the listener to want to know more and why. I am happy that William Massa has decided to explore this, and it is what has made the story complete.

I like the fact that Massa builds this world in a way that one relates more to androids than humans. It is like we are seeing the other side of things.

The main story is closed but the ending is open, and there is still more to know about the main characters.

Joe Hempel’s narration is clear and he succeeds at transmitting the characters’ emotions. He definitely helps to bring the story to life.

I truly enjoyed this book and how William Massa has given soul to androids and make it believable. I am looking forward to reading more about this.

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